In Ethiopia farmers like Hassan Ali supported by non profit organization, SLUF, technical staff have used VS significantly - Hassan has sent two sons to University from the proceeds of vetiver enhanced crop yields. Hassan has promoted the technology further to many of his neighboring farmers. What started nearly 20 years ago with a few farmers in the remote province of Illubabor has spread wide and far in Ethiopia involving tens of thousands of farmers. The private sector farmers, NGOs and some bilateral agencies such as GTZ have been the main promoters of the technology.
In Malawi there is a country wide vetiver program that was initiated by Glenn Allison who was manager of a European Union project. Many farmers now use the technology. These are just a few examples, there are many more from Cameroon, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Senegal, Mali, and Madagascar. In every case, individuals who understood the technology and saw the need for it, were the people who got the technology moving.
In the Vetiver System we have a technology that has been proven under most conditions to significantly reduce soil erosion and improve rainfall conservation, increase crop yields and provide many additional benefits. It is not the only solution, but it is a very good one that is quite easy to apply and is low cost.
It is time that the national governments pay more attention to vetiver - it can make a big difference to rural Africa.
dick Grimshaw
We must be aware on our environment to avoid bigger effect that can cause by this kind of phenomena.