
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vetiver Italy

I have recently heard from Marco Forti, coordinator for the Italian Vetiver Network.  It is nice to see the slowly increasing interesting in Vetiver in Italy. It is also good to see how Marco is expanding the Network by encouraging Vetiver networks at Italy's regional level. Currently there are three: Sardegna, Toscana, and Romagna. There are four more being formed.  This is a great way to develop local and regional interest in Vetiver.

In summary the Internet sites for Italy are:
- Vetiver Italia - main entry point: Vetiveritalia: La rete italiana del Vetiver managed by Marco Forti and is the primary site for Italy. He has two associated blogs - Diario della Coltivazione | Il Vetiver: per l'ambiente, l'energia e la società civile
-  Vetiver Sardegna - Marco Forti
Vetiver Toscana  - Andrea Rossi
Vetiver Emilia Romagna - Luca Marcheselli.

Three or four more regions are the next to be put online. On the earlier sites that Marco developed there are many interesting insights. Vetiver Italia has an interesting piece on protecting beach property from sand blow on the Gulf of Aranci, see: These beach hedgerows have significantly reduced sand blow and saved the owner of the beach front concession time and money through a reduction in sand removal. Three years after planting it looks like this:   ---  Dick Grimshaw

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